Jordan Hacket

Cock strokes for different folks: a guide to penis pleasure

You know those cooking shows you get on daytime TV that run you through exactly how to make a delicious meal. They’re kind of ridiculous and hilarious, but damn there’s a lot to learn. Imagine if there was a show like that for sex! 

Well this educational series of videos is your daytime TV sex show – for anyone that wants to learn more about different ways to play with and pleasure cocks, whether it’s their own or belongs to a causal or committed sexual partner.

Many people who play with cocks (their owners and lovers) have very limited ways of touching and pleasuring them. Most of these methods have come from porn and pop culture and put forward a narrative of high friction, ejaculation focused intensity. These videos are here to expand our ideas of cock pleasuring and show you some new strokes for all kinds of folks. Some of them are just plain different, designed to explore different pleasure, others are used by many people to cultivate multiple orgasms or access different states of trance pleasure.

Jump in, enjoy, experiment and remember, no cock is created the same. So, use these videos as a resource to ignite your curiosity and tailor each stroke to your own or your partner’s body so it suits their anatomy and pleasure systems.

Jordan Hackett is a Sexological Bodyworker and Somatic Sex Educator. You can book an appointment with Jordan here. You can follow Jordan on Facebook here and Instagram here.

Research on the Landscape on orgasms for people with penis'